Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Disastrousness of My Falour

If anybody notices, I spelled failure wrong. I don't know why either.

Anyway, from now on, two things are going to happen. I'm going to actually say stuff to this place, and hope that someone would be listening.

Next, I'll be updating this place with all my TF2 stuff. Because I can.

And next, (one, five, two) I'm going to go philosophical occasionally. If I have time. Hopefully.

So without further a dew, here's my first TF2 WorkShop Update

The Gummibaerchen

To all who do not realise, this project is floundering, so I decided to help it out.
We're all happy too.
It's essentially a little team coloured teddy that sits on the medic's shoulders. I should make this paintable too. Someday.

So there you go:
Hope you have fun.

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This is Dymo

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New Zealand
He has many ambitions, some of which include art, while others include food. The common feature of all his ambitions is that they involve him staying at home. This comic is one of them.

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